I love the Lord’s impromptu appearances into our lesson plans, His provision for up-close observation in His always perfect timing. Just before our bug study, we were fellowshipping with friends and happened upon the largest praying mantis I have ever seen.
The children were a little intimidated (I honestly don’t blame them; this was a mammoth insect—and this incident occurred before my kids had been introduced to the plastic variety). I didn’t have my camera with me. But my friend was most obliging and took photos of the giant for me.
After we finished our Week of Bugs, I showed the pictures to the kids, and we talked about this event. The kids had warmed up to the mantis, or at least, he wasn’t as intimidating in a photo. They had fun counting his legs and naming his body parts.
The Lord is so good to us, taking notice of something as small as a five year old and a nearly-four year old studying bugs.