Simple Ideas for Homeschooling Unexpectedly


homeschool resources | deschooling | new to homeschool | homeschooling unexpectedlyDeciding to homeschool is usually an intentional, carefully-weighed decision with time for research and preparation. But when homeschool is forced upon you suddenly and unexpectedly, what do you do? First, take a deep breath, pour yourself a cup of coffee, allow yourself that extra splash of cream, and relax. Though this might not be what you would have chosen, homeschooling unexpectedly can be a memorable time of learning some valuable life lessons.

  • Life Lesson #1: Learning is a life-long process that doesn’t end simply because we are not at a school building. It happens all day long, every day, all around us.
  • Life Lesson #2: Life is full of the unexpected. Embrace a growth mindset and make the best of it. Your kids will learn from your example.
  • Life Lesson #3: Don’t try to copy what someone else is doing. Be yourself. Don’t try to replace your public school curriculum or schedule right now. Instead, think about who you are and who your kids are; capitalize on that!

Yet regardless of these practical life lessons, there’s still the problem of what to do

If you want something simple and straight to the point, try for both reading and basic math practice for your younger kids (k-3rd) and Khan Academy (all the subjects) for your older kiddos. 

Looking for something a little more creative and “family-style”? Here are a few additional ideas to help make this time of unexpectedly homeschooling both manageable and memorable.