Organizing with a Weekend Planner

After creating my printable week planner, I started working on a printable weekend planner. My husband is a pastor, so our weekends look much different from the rest of the week. Often, preparations for Sunday really get in the way of Sunday worship; they are a logistical nightmare. So, in an effort to reclaim worship, I’m organizing my weekends with this planner page.

Projects & Errands

This is the section to record those special Saturday projects, the bigger to-dos that usually wait for a weekend—weeding the garden, grocery shopping, deep-cleaning, etc.

Weekend Preparation

This section is the heart of this planner page. It gives me a spot to plan both physically and spiritually for our day of worship. “Prepare Physically” gives me a place to  list and check-off those tasks that get me ready for the day—defrosting the chicken or roast, prepping vegetables, laying out clothes, gathering Bibles, packing the diaper bag, etc. “Prepare Spiritually” gives me a list of prayers to prepare my heart and spirit for the day.

Events to Plan

Our weekends often have us attending or planning a variety of events. Whether we are having someone to our house or participating in a church function, this gives me a spot to write a reminder.

People to See

There are often specific people I need to see and talk with when we get to church, to ask about upcoming events, to check-up on prayer updates, to visit with someone who may have been absent for awhile, etc. But at this stage in my life, relying on my memory is a dangerous thing. It’s not that I don’t care enough to remember; it’s that I care enough to write it down so that I won’t forget.

Items to Bring

It literally may take me 3 or more weeks to remember to bring something extra to church with me. Returning someone’s dish, bringing a book or resource to someone, giving a shower gift or card—I usually remember until the rush to get out the door. Writing it down will help me to prepare for it, to have it waiting with our Bibles and ready to go.

The last thing on the planner is the “Notes” section. Nothing special, just an extra place to jot down things that might not fit into the other categories.

I’m really excited about this planner. I’m really excited about getting my Sundays back under control. And though I know my situation is rather unique (not everyone is married to a pastor), I also know that Sundays are difficult for most moms: there’s a lot to coordinate! So, I’m sharing my weekend planner as a free printable, hoping that it will help someone else reclaim Sunday as a day for worship. If there is a way that I can customize it to better fit your needs, please let me know in the comments section and I’ll see what I can do.

Weekend Planner download
Click on the image or the link to download. Graphic is from


Weekly Home Planner Download

I’ve been working on trying to organize my home as the new school year swings into gear, and part of that overall has been my household/homeschool planner. Because I just can’t seem to find a planner that has all I want, I’ve been working on creating my own.

When I first started using a household notebook four or five years ago, a daily planner worked really well for me. Now, I really need something that covers me for the week and doesn’t add a lot of extra work to my day. I need structure and organization not more work.

A weekly to-do list, a place for a few routine tasks that need to be checked off (I’ve coordinated my planner with the alarms I set), a place for specific weekly tasks (cards to be mailed, calls to be made, or appointments to be kept), and then a simple cleaning schedule were a few of the items I really wanted in my planner. Also, I wanted a little inspiration at the top—some Scripture paraphrases to help me focus my week. I have four different inspirations for each week of the average month.

Diligence: She eateth not the bread of idleness. (Prov. 31:27)

Faithfulness: Serve the Lord with gladness for the abundance of all things. (Deut. 28:46)

Purpose: Do all for the glory of God. (1 Cor. 10:31)

Perseverance: God finished the work which he had done. (Gen. 2:2)

Because my weekends look much different from the rest of my week, this planner is really for Monday through Friday. I intend to make a separate planner for the weekends and print that to the back of these sheets. But for now, I’m really liking the new approach. I hope you do, too! Enjoy!

Weekly Planner Page
Click on the image or the link to download the Weekly Home Planner. Graphic is from
