Journaling the Journey

Homeschool Mother's Journal

I’m picking up where I left off nearly a year ago, journaling our journey. And I’m back for more than one reason. Of course, it’s nice to have these little journals, brief summaries of where we’ve been and what we’ve accomplished. But another reason is that I’ve missed having the opportunity to become vulnerable before you, to throw back the curtains and let you behind the scenes of our lives.

It’s easy as a blogger, as I go through my photo archives, to only present you with our triumphs and successes. After all, how many of us remember to grab the camera when the art project flops or our child is throwing a temper-tantrum.

The other side of the coin is that these journaling posts are hard for me to keep up with. I can’t schedule them ahead of time, and I don’t like to force myself into an appointment  with my blog every Friday. So here’s the trade-off: I’ll journal our ups and downs as often as I can. Please don’t hate me if I miss a week, just kiss your babies and understand that I had to spend a little extra time that week doing the same.

So without further ado…

In my life this week~

This week has been jam-packed! From wrapping up Easter festivities to preparing for a Ladies Fellowship at our church, it’s been hopping around here. Not to mention that prepping lesson plans for the next nine weeks happened to fall this week as well. And throw in making curriculum decisions for next year while the sales are on.

But one delightful thing that I have been reveling in is the timing of our last unit of Tapestry of Grace ancient history. We’re studying the Roman Empire, the life of Christ, and the early church and martyrs. And in God’s perfect timing, Easter is kicking off our unit. We’ll be looking at “growing up where Jesus lived” and reading about those who gave their lives to share the gospel message.

Though it might not have been the timing I would have chosen, it is great timing.

I’ve also been reviewing a product with the kids that has really been helping Middlest with her phonics. I can’t wait to share with you.

The last thing on my agenda has been overhauling the school room. It’s been making me extremely claustrophobic. Hanging pockets are falling off walls; I’m drowning in kids’ artwork and work pages; and it seems like we have flash cards everywhere. So here’s what I’m asking help for this week.

Please give me ideas on how to organize the flash cards. We have all sizes, and everything on Pinterest assumes that my flashcards are all one size. These are what I have to work with.

Flash cards of all sizes!
Please, oh please! Leave a comment with your brilliant solution. I would forever be indebted.
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Published by Tracy
Our life is creative and full, challenging and blessed. I'm a pastor's wife and homeschool mom to my crew of three kids with ADHD/dyslexia. I'm passionate about helping women find joy and hope in treasuring Christ, loving their families well, and finding creative ways to disciple and teach in their homeschools. Visit to find grace for the messes and mistakes, and knowledge to pick up the pieces and make something special. Let’s grow together!

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