Filling my cup

Monday Motivation

There is a very sobering and humbling reality to answered prayer, a moment of awe when you see your answer and realize that Someone was listening to you. Of course, I know He listens to me, but seeing the reality of that before me is an emotionally moving experience. It causes me to “be still” and realize He is God.

I’m not even talking about the huge miraculous answers to crisis, but more the quiet prayers for strength that you pray about mid-day, the prayers that only God knows about. I’m talking about the “answers” that speak to your spirit as only God would know to speak.

Lately, I have had some answers to prayer that were so perfectly and exactly what my soul needed, that I don’t think even I could have articulated that need as well as God answered. Do you know what I’m talking about?

For our homeschool and parenting, that answer has been the ideas of Charlotte Mason, and a call to simplify what we do.

Another answer, for homemaking and my own spiritual journey, came through this series: 52 ways to more serenity in your life and home.

In the “behind the scenes” of my life, God is filling my cup, even as it is daily emptied and slopped and spilled  through the day’s activities. Just when I think I’ve emptied the last drop, I find He’s filled me to overflowing once more.

The sun comes up. It’s a new day dawning. Time to sing Your song again! Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, let me be singing when the evening comes.

~10,000 reasons