Crafting a Homeschool Purpose Statement

homeschool purpose statement | homeschool goals

For the last couple of years, I’ve had a mission statement for my homemaking that has really helped me to keep my tasks and priorities in perspective, and I’ve been wanting to do something similar for our homeschool. But where would I even begin? So, I’ve put it off. But this year, I felt that the need was more urgent. As I tried to evaluate and plan for our homeschool purchases for next year, I really felt that a homeschool purpose statement  would help me to streamline some of those decisions. What were our goals? What was our curriculum meant to accomplish? What was I looking for?

Brainstorm your purpose

First, think through what homeschool approaches most appealed to you and why. This is important, because honestly, there are a lot of good points to a lot of different education methods. Even though I lean classical, I like to glean from all of these other sources of wisdom.

And here’s a tip: go to the source for these methods. Some information-sites may be able to give you a general idea of what each method includes so that you can select the ones you want to research further. But when you start researching, go to the source for that particular method. That will help you avoid misconceptions. (For instance, if you are reading about the classical method from a Charlotte Mason source, it’s not going to be accurate.)

After I brainstormed the points of each method that were most appealing, I had to decide which of those points were my priorities. It was a rough sketch, merely a grouping of thoughts. But it helped me immensely, and here’s what it ended up looking like.


Craft your Homeschool Purpose Statement

From that “mindmap” or brainstorm, craft your homeschool purpose statement that includes your priorities and your end-goal. What do you envision for your children at the end of this journey? What is most important to you? There is no right or wrong answer necessarily. Each family is created with unique interests and a unique vision; each child has a unique journey and a unique role to play. God has created variety and given unique roles for individuals in His overall plan. Let’s embrace that in our homeschools and families! Your end goal does not need to look like mine.

But our goals for our family guide our choices for homeschool method and homeschool curriculum. With this goal in mind, I choose what will best accomplish this in our lives.

Homeschool Statement of Purpose

I can’t tell you how much this has helped me. Now, as I look over my list of curriculum needs and wants, I can make better decisions. What is my purpose in science? To appreciate beauty, inspire awe for God, and inform our worldview. Am I keeping are schedule simple, allowing time for life and people?

If you haven’t already, I’d encourage you to spend a few minutes or even hours working on a homeschool purpose statement for your family; it will be totally worth it later. And if you have written one for your family, please share it with me! I’d love to see it.